The Formation of Worlds

The Spirits’ Book - Questions 37 - 42

The universe

is comprised of the infinite number of worlds we can see and those we cannot see, all animate and inanimate beings, all the heavenly bodies moving through space and all the fluids that fill space

Was the universe created or has it existed from all eternity like God? “Obviously, the universe did not create itself, and if it has existed from all eternity like God, then it could not be God’s work.”

Reason tells us the universe could not possibly have created itself, and since it could not possibly be the work of chance either, it must be the work of God.

How did God create the universe? “To borrow a well-known expression: by the divine will. Nothing can better portray that all-powerful will than those grand words from Genesis: ‘God said, ‘Let there be light, and there was light.’”

Can we know about the way in which worlds are formed? “All that we can say and the only thing you can comprehend is that worlds are formed by the condensation of the matter scattered throughout space.”

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