Togetherness is a project with scientists, scholars and representatives of various religious philosophies talking about key subjects for humanities togetherness, like charity, loving one another, valuing life, God, death, faith, peace, health, and the Golden Rule. The editorial intent of this interfaith dialogue is to unite the converging points without direct comparisons or debates of any kind. The main goal is to demonstrate that the search for spiritual understanding (which makes life on earth more enjoyable and less tortuous) is more effective when it includes respect and togetherness amongst all.
EP01 - What is God?
The human being and the idea of God through history.
Is there a creator?
What are the indicators of the existence of a creator?
Is there a divine purpose for creating human beings?
If God knows that we are suffering, why doesn't He help us?
Watch NowEP02 - Talking to God
The power of prayer on the recovery of patients.
What can we say to God? Does God hear us all the time or just when we pray? Be alone or in groups? What is the best way? How close are we to God? Are there different distances for every being?
Watch NowEP03 - Charity
Goodness as a destiny and as a way. If we are naturally inclined towards goodness, in which moment does the choice to violence occur?
Is everybody born naturally inclined toward goodness?
When does evil begin to be part of a man?
Why is peace the best path, but it is the hardest to achieve among all?
Watch NowEP04 - When Does Life Begin?
The difficulty in conceptualizing the word "life" puts us in a difficult bioethical spiritual-issue. Is there a clear line of demarcation of what we can or can’t do regarding intrauterine life?
Does life begin from birth or from conception?
How does your religion understand abortion?
Why do some mothers decide to abort?
What happens to the baby and to the mother after the abortion? What are the consequences?
How can we be sure that we're not stealing the future of a person who still can’t speak for herself or himself?
Watch NowEP05 - Free Will
Is there a destiny or are we free? Every decision made in our lives and their relationships with genetics, with our education and culture.
How do our thoughts and attitudes reflect on us?
Do we have the right to decide for others, for example a son?
How do our choices affect the lives of others and even the environment we live in?
Watch NowEP06 - Angels and Demons
Angels and demons, guardians, and spiritual mentors. Since ancient Greece, we are accompanied by geniuses, guardians, etc. How is it possible to keep this subtle communication healthy in our modern times?
What are spiritual mentors / angels / guardians?
Do all of them want what is good for us or are there those ones linked to evil?
How do they influence us?
Does each person have a guardian angel / a spiritual mentor?
Do they accompany us all the time?
Can we hear them? Do they hear us?
What is the role of a guardian angel / a guardian / a spiritual mentor?
Watch NowEP07 - Faith and Health
Healing and self-healing. The healing of the body and the healing of the soul. Spiritual practices are already recognizably powerful auxiliaries in health treatments, being studied in several research centers worldwide.
Why do we get sick?
How can faith help with the treatment of diseases?
What does forgiveness and self-forgiveness represent?
Should we just trust in science?
How can we collaborate with our own healing?
Watch NowEP08 - Life After Death
The vision about our destiny after physical death and what current science understands about it. Near death experiences and statistical analysis of cases of reincarnation. Our relationship with the invisible, Mediumship in current times. The oracles of antiquity, prophets of the scriptures and mediums of today. How has man always spoken with the invisible and how this relationship has evolved over time?
What happens after death?
Some hospital cases report near death experiences, when a patient in an imminent death has visions and sensations of life after death. How can we explain these reports?
How does your tradition understand the relationship between man and the unseen?
Can we talk to the dead?
Some very young children play instruments in a way that only a person who has studied for many years could. How can we explain it?
Watch NowEP09 - The Future of Humanity
Future generations. The relationship between the micro and the macro. How the pursuit of world peace begins in each of us.
What does your tradition leave of inheritance to those who will be born in the future?
Will there be a time when we will achieve global harmony?
Can science and religion walk together?
How can religion help and influence the life of a young person?
How does your religion understand the idea of evolution?
Is religion a way to investigate the planning, functionality and God's purpose before the evidence of the Universe?
Can we and should we be better today than yesterday?
Watch NowEP10 - Faith in 21st Century
The Golden Rule, the core teaching of various traditions. As we are all brothers basically following the same principles.
How to understand and live with the differences.
Am I better than you? Are you better than me?
How does your tradition see interfaith initiatives?
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